In close cooperation with the Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport (HCMC-UT) and the Ministry of Transport in Viet Nam, ARISE Plus held a series of highly successful workshops and meetings from 18-22 February 2019 to support implementation of the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Mufti-Modal Transport (AFAMT).
The gains from reform in multi-modal transport are potentially significant. Recent studies estimate that ASEAN would increase exports by around 4%, or between 2% to 6% per member economy if efficient multi-modal transport is implemented in the region. In $USD terms this equates to an impact gain of $500bn or between $850 million and $115bn per member economy.
Previously, ARISE developed a draft Implementation Framework for AFAMT, and provided advice to the AMS on their development of national Working (Action) Plans for the implementation of AFAMT. Support is being provided by AISE Plus to implement the agreement. This includes development of a capacity building ‘Going Multimodal’ Programme with three components: technical assistance, international standards and knowledge exchange.